Disclaimer & Disclosure

Please see also the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and  Cookies Policy which govern the use of this website.

Terms of Participation

By purchasing any product or service created, promoted, or otherwise recommended (herein referred to as “Program”) by Natalie Smith and Jodie Burnham (herein referred to as “Company”) you (herein referred to as “Client”) agree to the following terms stated herein.


Client understands The Company is not an employee, agent, travel professional, travel agent, legal professional, or financial analyst or accountant. Client understands that the Consultant has not promised, shall not be obligated to and will not; (1) procure or attempt to procure any house sit or home owner connection for Client; (2) Perform any travel or business functions including but not limited to, booking travel, contacting homeowners on behalf of the Client, budgeting, income, accounting, tax or investment consulting, or advice with regard thereto; (3) act as a therapist providing psychoanalysis, psychological counselling or behavioural therapy; Client understands that a relationship does not exist between the parties.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent any Program sold by us and its potential. There is no guarantee of gaining any house sit or any specific result from your house sitting or travel. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed by the Program depends on the time you devote to the Program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your application of the material, knowledge, various skills, and external factors. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from the Program.

No Advice

The Content on any website, Youtube Channel or social media owned and/or operated (herein referred to as the “Site”) by Natalie Smith and Jodie Burnham is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, travel or other advice.

All Content on the Site is information of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Nothing in the Site constitutes professional and/or financial advice, nor does any information on the Site constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information or other Content on the Site before making any decisions based on such information or other Content. In exchange for using the Site, you agree not to hold The Company, its affiliates or any third party service provider liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on information or other Content made available to you through the Site.

Client Responsibility

Client accepts and agrees that Client is 100% responsible for their progress and results from the Program and any endeavor. Company makes no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing. Client understands that because of the nature of the Program and extent, the results experienced by each client may significantly vary. Client acknowledges that as with any endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss and there is no guarantee that Client will reach their goals as a result of participation in any Program, website, group or community owned and run by The Company. All education and information is intended for a general audience and does not purport to be, nor should it be construed as, specific advice tailored to any individual. Company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in any website, group, or community they run. The Company is not responsible for any of your actions or that of any home owner before, after or during any house sit you undertake. The Company is not responsible for any damages or liabilities that occur by you or any home owner before, after, or during a house sit. You agree that you have no relationship with the Company or the Program outside of the scope of education and information.

Limitation of Liability

Client agrees they use Company’s services at their own risk and the Program is only an educational service being provided. Client releases Company, its officers, employees, directors, subsidiaries, principals, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns, Instructors, guides, staff, participants, and related entities any way and any of its owners, executives, agents, or staff (hereinafter “Releases”) from any and all damages that may result from any claims arising from any agreements, all actions, causes of action, contracts, claims, suits, costs, demands and damages of whatever nature or kind in law or in equity arising from participation in the Program. Client accepts any and all risks, foreseeable or unforeseeable. Client agrees that Company will not be held liable for any damages of any kind resulting or arising from including but not limited to; direct, indirect, incidental, special, negligent, consequential, or exemplary damages happening from the use or misuse of Company’s services or enrolment in the Program. Company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in any of the Program materials.


The Parties agree and accept that the only venue for resolving such a dispute shall be in the venue set forth herein below. The parties agree that they neither will engage in any conduct or communications with a third party, public or private, designed to disparage the other. Neither Client nor any of Client’s associates, employees or affiliates will directly or indirectly, in any capacity or manner, make, express, transmit speak, write, verbalise or otherwise communicate in any way (or cause, further, assist, solicit, encourage, support or participate in any of the foregoing), any remark, comment, message, information, declaration, communication or other statement of any kind, whether verbal, in writing, electronically transferred or otherwise, that might reasonably be construed to be derogatory or critical of, or negative toward, the Company or any of its programs, members, owner directors, officers, Affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, agents or representatives.


Client may not assign this Agreement without express written consent of Company.


Company may modify terms of this agreement at any time. All modifications shall be posted on this page.


By purchasing a Program created and owned by the Company, Client agrees that the Company may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement, and limit, suspend, or terminate Client’s participation in the Program without refund or forgiveness of monthly payments if Client becomes disruptive to Company or Participants, Client fails to follow the Program guidelines, is difficult to work with, impairs the participation of the other participants in the Program or upon violation of the terms as determined by Company. Client will still be liable to pay the total contract amount.


Client shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Company, Company’s officers, employers, employees, contractors, directors, related entities, trustees, affiliates, and successors from and against any and all liabilities and expense whatsoever – including without limitation, claims, damages, judgments, awards, settlements, investigations, costs, attorneys fees, and disbursements – which any of them may incur or become obligated to pay arising out of or resulting from the offering for sale, the sale, and/or use of the product(s). Client shall defend Company in any legal actions, regulatory actions, or the like arising from or related to this Agreement. Client recognises and agrees that all of the Company’s shareholders, trustees, affiliates and successors shall not be held personally responsible or liable for any actions or representations of the Company. In consideration of and as part of my payment for the right to participate in Company’s Programs, the undersigned, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns do hereby release, waive, acquit, discharge, indemnify, defend, hold harmless and forever discharge Company and its subsidiaries, principals, directors, employees, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns and any of the training instructors, staff or students taking part in the training in any way and any of its owners, executives, agents, or staff (hereinafter “Releases”) of and from all actions, causes of action, contracts, claims, suits, costs, demands and damages of whatever nature or kind in law or in equity arising from my participation in the Program.

Duty to Read

I accept that under this agreement, I have a duty to read this disclosure policy, and have done so. Furthermore, I understand and accept that I am precluded from using lack of reading as a defence against all remedies contained herein.

Affiliate Disclosure

In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about all links, posts, photos, and other material:

Any/all of the links are affiliate links of which The Company receives a small commission from sales of certain items and programs, but the price is the same for you.

Pages on our various sites, videos on Youtube, and posts on social media may include affiliate links where The Company receives a referral commission when you purchase using that link.


Hey, this is NatnJodie

If you’ve been around us, watched our videos, or subscribed to our email list over the years, you know we are strong believers in being totally transparent and up-front with you about how we make money online.

So let’s talk about affiliate links in our content…

Along the way, outside of our own courses and tools, we will introduce you to programs, courses, and products that we feel will give you better travel and house sitting experiences, help you become more location independent, and more financially free. These may be physical products, programs, software, or anything else that we feel would help you achieve your goals.

Some of the links pointing to those resources are called “affiliate links.” This means, if you click on the link and make a purchase from that vendor, based on our recommendation, we may earn a commission for that sale, future sales, or recurring billings.

We only promote things we truly believe will benefit you. In addition, we only recommend products or services we’ve personally used and benefitted from as a user. 

So you can rest assured that anything we recommend is going to be of the highest quality.

We are not given free products, services, or tools in exchange for a review or promotion on our sites or to our subscribers. The only compensation we receive comes by way of an affiliate commission if you purchase it yourself.

Please assume that any links included in our content on any website or social media platform to 3rd party vendors are affiliate links.If you have any questions about this disclaimer or how we use affiliate links, please do not hesitate to contact us here.

Nat & Jodie



International House Sitting © Copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved.